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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kindle DX: Amazon's 9.7" Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)

Buy Cheap Kindle DX: Amazon's 9.7" Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)

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Sleek & Trim Kindle DX is as thin as most magazines. Just over a third of an inch in profile, you'll find Kindle DX fits perfectly in your hands. Beautiful Large Display Kindle DX's large display is ideal for a broad range of reading material, including graphic-rich books, PDFs, newspapers, magazines, and blogs. Kindle DX's display is two and a half times the size of the Kindle display. Whether you're reading the latest bestseller or a financial report, text and images are amazingly sharp on the 9.7" screen. Auto-Rotating Screen By simply turning the device, you can immediately see full-width landscape views of maps, graphs, tables and Web pages. Built-In PDF Reader Unload the loose documents from your briefcase or backpack, and put them all on Kindle DX. From neighborhood newsletters to financial statements to case studies and product manuals--you can take them all with you on Kindle DX. Native PDF support allows you to carry and read all of your personal and professional documents on the go. With Amazon's Whispernet service, you can send your documents directly to your Kindle DX and read them anytime, anywhere. 5-Way Controller Kindle DX has an easy-to-use 5-way controller, enabling precise on-screen navigation for selecting text to highlight or looking up words. Simple to Use, No Computer Required Kindle DX is completely wireless and ready to use right out of the box--no setup, no cables, no computer required. Long Battery Life - Read for Days Without Recharging With Kindle DX's long battery life, you can read on a single charge for up to 4 days with wireless on. Turn wireless off and read for up to 2 weeks. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as shopping the Kindle Store and downloading content. In low coverage areas or in 1xRTT only coverage, wireless usage will consume battery power more quickly.

Technical Details

- Slim: Just over 1/3 of an inch, as thin as most magazines
- Carry Your Library: Holds up to 3,500 books, periodicals, and documents
- Beautiful Large Display: 9.7" diagonal e-ink screen reads like real paper; boasts 16 shades of gray for clear text and sharp images
- Auto-Rotating Screen: Display auto-rotates from portrait to landscape as you turn the device so you can view full-width maps, graphs, tables, and Web pages
- Built-In PDF Reader: Native PDF support allows you to carry and read all of your personal and professional documents on the go
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Pricing is confusing." 2009-09-06
By G. Wainwright
I bought the DX for my wife and I. I believed the landscape display would be useful if we bought a book with graphs and charts. So far I have bought one book and am enjoying reading it on the Kindle. My wife asked about downloading a book she needed to read for an Egypt history class. No luck on Amazon. I heard an interesting interview with Robert Prechter so I looked up his book "Conquer the Crash." It is available in the Kindle edition for $22.36. However, it is now out in an updated and expanded edition. So I looked for this edition on Amazon. Sure enough it also available...for $27.95 in hardcopy and on the Kindle. However, I don't know if I buy the $27.95 edition for the Kindle whether I will also receive the Bonus CD-ROM. My guess is not. So I go back to the original book and discover that I can buy it for $9.49 in hardcopy from a partner vendor. I note that 16% of the people who consider buying the original end up buying the updated edition. I wonder how many ended up buying the Kindle edition. I sure didn't.

Customer Buzz
 "Don't buy this if you want to read The New Yorker on it!" 2009-09-06
By W.W. (Detroit, sucka.)
I was seriously thinking of buying the Kindle so I could enjoy magazines like the New Yorker without having to heft them along wherever I go. But now that I've discovered:

1) They don't publish all the fiction in the Kindle Version

2) They don't include all the cartoons

3) They don't allow you to keep all the copies of the NYer that you buy on the Kindle (unlike the books) if something goes wrong

4) The NYer Kindle doesn't have a table of contents and

5) The paper version actually arrives faster than the digital version.

Am supposed to shell out half a grand for this? Forget it. If the DX ever drops down to half, I might think about it.

Customer Buzz
 "Good but needs a few more features" 2009-09-06
By Rat Fan (Colorado, USA)
A good product. The e-ink screen is easy on the eyes. The screen size is just big enough for reviewing PDF's for school. The rotate option is good for when you want to see a page in more detail.


It needs folders so you can organise your PDF's.

It needs a zoom option.

It needs more options so you can change things like the length of time before it goes into sleep mode (really annoying when you're trying to read dense medical literature).

It would be nice if I could get free kindle copies of books I've purchased already through Amazon.

Every textbook I use for school is not available on Kindle.

The Kindle DX is obviously aimed more at academia, so they really need to work on the above options.


Customer Buzz
 "This is very cool but has limitations." 2009-09-06
By Morreen Rukin Bayles (PA)
I don't like it is not back lit. I am sure there is a mechanical reason for this like heat or something....but! I don't like that you can't tell if Amazon is going to cut you off with wireless. They supposedly can shut you off if you don't buy enough but I haven't seen it yet. I don't like you have to pay to get your email on the device. For the amount of the device I think you should get some email for free up to a certain amount.

The pluses are MY WIFE LOVES READING ANY where any time with multiple books. She loves going into to a meeting with a client and pull a reference immediately. It is small and efficient and a very a neat gadget.


Customer Buzz
 "Not too shabby....." 2009-09-06
By Michael P. Logue
I've had my DX for a couple of weeks now, and so far I'm very impressed. I'm a consummate reader who also works a lot in foreign countries. This was the first move overseas where I made the conscious decision to leave my tons of boxes of books behind in storage. It's never easy finding a good selection of English books in a foreign country, so generally I have to resort to ordering them (usually from Amazon). However, this can cause problems. Say for example you are reading a series, and suddenly discover that you are missing one of the volumes. You end up with a one or two week delay before you can 'move' on - which can be very frustrating. In cases like these, I would always have had something from my extensive library to fall back onto while I waited. Unfortunately, I do not have that option now.

However, with the Kindle, I can now download a book in no-time and start reading in almost immediately. 'Almost immediately' because where I'm stationed now (Turkey) - though just recently having 3G capabilities - does not yet have Whispernet. So I have to download directly from my computer. However, it's still better than having to wait a couple of weeks for the mail to arrive.

Although the selection of books is somewhat limited, there are still sufficient titles available to keep me busy for quite some time.


- Large screen size. Although I do not have horrible eye-sight, it's certainly not as good as it was when I was younger. Being able to increase the font size (especially in dim lighting) is a fantastic feature. I have ordered a few different book-lights, but until they arrive, I am still comfortable reading this in pretty much any lighting environment.

- Auto rotation. I know that several folks have complained about the page buttons being on only one side, and this had caused me to hesitate in purchasing the DX. However, from what I've experienced I can say that by using the auto-rotate this is really a non issue. People may look at you funny reading your device with the keyboard up on the top and upside-down, but as the user I could really care less. I also tend to reposition myself as I'm reading, so by simply rotating the device I can find the optimal position for changing pages.

I also tend to read a lot while I eat. Being right handed, I normally held my books in my left hand. I've found that by simply propping up the kindle in landscape mode - with the buttons along the bottom edge - I no longer encounter any strain on my wrist and can easily flip through the pages. Nor do I have to limit my posture or keep the book a certain distance from my eyes while reading. I can now increase the font size and be able to sit back comfortably as I enjoy my meal. All I need now is a little remote control and I can be a true book slug.... :)


- Lack of folders. Several people have brought this up, and I have to totally agree. For a device that can literally hold hundreds of books, a single listing is a horribly way to organize anything. Adding a folder capability should be a very simple thing to implement, and I can see absolutely no reason for not doing so.

- Off button. I find this very annoying. Despite what they claim in the product brochure, it takes a full six seconds to turn this thing off. That may not seem like a lot of time, but when you are in a rush (and don't want to just go into sleep mode), sitting there holding this tiny slide button with just your fingernail can seem like an eternity. A couple of seconds is all it should need to kill the power.

- Micro-USB plug. They've used the newer, and much narrower MICRO-USB plug for the Kindle. This is a real PITA, as all of my other devices (camera, phone, mp3 player) use the more common Mini-USB format - forcing me to carry two cables instead of one. Another option would be to get a Mini-to-Micro adapter plug and tether that to my Mini-USB cable - but it's still annoying.

Overall, I'm very happy with my DX. Since I'm not in an area where there's Whispernet coverage, I haven't used the keyboard at all. However, even if I was, I can't see myself using it very much. I'm not a big fan of multi-function devices. Although they can do a lot of things, they don't seem to do any of them very well. I much prefer single use devices - that do that single function very well. Although having internet functionality on the Kindle is a nice feature, I hope that they do not try to get too tied up in making the Kindle series into a Swiss Army knife. I want my 'books' to be just that - a book. Not a can opener.

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Buy Kindle DX: Amazon's 9.7" Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation) Now

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