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Friday, October 16, 2009

Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless, Latest Generation)

Buy Cheap Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless, Latest Generation)

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Sleek & Trim Kindle DX is as thin as most magazines. Just over a third of an inch in profile, you'll find Kindle DX fits perfectly in your hands. Beautiful Large Display Kindle DX's large display is ideal for a broad range of reading material, including graphic-rich books, PDFs, newspapers, magazines, and blogs. Kindle DX's display is two and a half times the size of the Kindle display. Whether you're reading the latest bestseller or a financial report, text and images are amazingly sharp on the 9.7" screen. Auto-Rotating Screen By simply turning the device, you can immediately see full-width landscape views of maps, graphs, tables and Web pages. Built-In PDF Reader Unload the loose documents from your briefcase or backpack, and put them all on Kindle DX. From neighborhood newsletters to financial statements to case studies and product manuals--you can take them all with you on Kindle DX. Native PDF support allows you to carry and read all of your personal and professional documents on the go. With Amazon's Whispernet service, you can send your documents directly to your Kindle DX and read them anytime, anywhere. 5-Way Controller Kindle DX has an easy-to-use 5-way controller, enabling precise on-screen navigation for selecting text to highlight or looking up words. Simple to Use, No Computer Required Kindle DX is completely wireless and ready to use right out of the box--no setup, no cables, no computer required. Long Battery Life - Read for Days Without Recharging With Kindle DX's long battery life, you can read on a single charge for up to 4 days with wireless on. Turn wireless off and read for up to 2 weeks. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as shopping the Kindle Store and downloading content. In low coverage areas or in 1xRTT only coverage, wireless usage will consume battery power more quickly.

Technical Details

- Slim: Just over 1/3 of an inch, as thin as most magazines
- Carry Your Library: Holds up to 3,500 books, periodicals, and documents
- Beautiful Large Display: 9.7" diagonal e-ink screen reads like real paper; boasts 16 shades of gray for clear text and sharp images
- Auto-Rotating Screen: Display auto-rotates from portrait to landscape as you turn the device so you can view full-width maps, graphs, tables, and Web pages
- Built-In PDF Reader: Native PDF support allows you to carry and read all of your personal and professional documents on the go
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "DRM problem not solved yet" 2009-10-16
By S. Engel
I seriously thought about buying a device like this - until I read about AMAZON's restrictive DRM. It is critical enough, that they can delete files from the Kindle, but what if they fail? Will all the books I bought at AMAZON go down the drain? No, AMAZON, think about your DRM again! Until then I will enjoy printed books.

Customer Buzz
 "a good improvement, but has some issues." 2009-10-15
By Johnnycakes (Conroe, TX)
I started the whole ebook adventure with the Sony E-reader PRS-505. I loved the feel and look of that reader, but hated the small screen and the poorly designed/stocked Sony website. I also hated having to connect my reader to my computer to download books. When Amazon announced the Kindle DX, I eagerly splurged and got one.

Overall, I love my Kindle and would recommended it.


- LOVE the large screen. With the smaller Sony Ereader, I was flipping pages like mad and it got annoying.

- It has a good battery life.

- The wireless download function is FANTASTIC! I love being able to purchase books on the computer at work and have them automatically sent to my Kindle, so they are waiting there to be read when I get home.

- The page transitions seem to be quicker than the ereader, that could just be perception, but it seems to flip quicker between pages.


- The button layout is not as convenient as the Sony Ereader's. The Sony had buttons on the right side, in the middle of the "book", where you hand would naturally rest and a second page button down at the bottom left corner, where your left thumb would was SO much nicer being able to turn pages with either hand, so you did not get cramps or stiffness from holding the book the same way for a long period of time. Like another reviewer, I wonder if left-handed people are frustrated with it.

- The book mark feature is too complicated. The Sony has a single button that acts as a toggle for bookmarking, if you have to put the book down quick, you can easily bookmark the page. When you pick it up, it is one simple step to remove it. Not with the Kindle. You have to hit "menu" and then use the smart key to go down to "add/remove bookmark." It is a little annoyance, I know...but it is very noticable when you are transitioning between the two.

- I love that I can purchase a book at work and it will be on my Kindle when I get home, but to do that, the Whispernet has to be active, and that drains the battery a lot quicker than you would expect...not a huge deal, because I keep my Kindle plugged in when I am not using it, but something to keep in mind.

- We need more variety in the leather cases...preferably one that incorporates the locking feature on the side of the Kindle rather than corner straps.

- They released a small Kindle with US and International access. Seriously? I paid almost $500 for the DX and I cannot access Amazon internationally? That is something they need to address...there is no reason to have to now purchase another model of the Kindle if I plan to travel overseas...

My serious...serious b!tch about the Kindle, that gave it less than 5 stars:

- There is no way to organize the books on your home screen. This was a BIG failure on Amazon's part, in my book. Seriously, none of their people thought about that? That is a simple software issue. The Sony allowed you to organize reading lists AND kept the books in the order you put them if you are reading a series, you don't have to guess which book comes just put them in order and in a reading list. (And seriously, what is with all these series of books not having any order numbering in their title lines??? I have to go to Wikipedia to look up the reading order most of the time before I purchase the book from Amazon.) I cannot belive that they thought that having everything in one lump list would somehow work. This is my biggest complaint, since I use this as a reading device and read a couple books a month. I could not imagine trying to keep books and PDFs all together. Get a software patch to fix this and push it out already!!! OR allow us to add information to the title, so we could at least number the books...

Overall, I would recommend this device, and if the fix that organizational issue, I think it would be worth 5 stars...

Customer Buzz
 "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" 2009-10-15
By Satya Pappu (Houston, TX USA)

- USB interface

- Excellent Battery Life

- Intuitive User Interface

- Superb Sound Quality


- Can't increase font size while reading PDF files

- No controls or user interface to select the music tracks to play. It is still in Experimental stages.


- Can't organize content into folders. The list gets really long without folder structure.

- Audio book files can't be played one after the other. You have to keep selecting the next one to play.

Customer Buzz
 "Amazon Kindle DX is a great product" 2009-10-15
By CajunGrams (Louisiana)
I love my Kindle. It is user friendly in every way. Light weight and good looking. I put mine in a blue leather case. Even had my name embossed on the case. It creates lots of intrest and questions when I use it while waiting on a doctor's appointment. The options for use are great. I can look up a word in the dictionary or a subject on the net while watching TV. It is very easy on the eyes. No glare plus the different font size option is so very nice. You have a good product. Keep up the good work Amazon.

Customer Buzz
 "kindle dx" 2009-10-15
By R. Kitchen (New York USA)
I like it almost completely. I have one complaint about it.It changes too easily to side to side from up and down, and is not so easy to return to the up and down position.

Images Product

Buy Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless, Latest Generation) Now

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