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Monday, October 19, 2009

Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless, Latest Generation)

Buy Cheap Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless, Latest Generation)

Buy Low Price From Here Now

Sleek & Trim Kindle DX is as thin as most magazines. Just over a third of an inch in profile, you'll find Kindle DX fits perfectly in your hands. Beautiful Large Display Kindle DX's large display is ideal for a broad range of reading material, including graphic-rich books, PDFs, newspapers, magazines, and blogs. Kindle DX's display is two and a half times the size of the Kindle display. Whether you're reading the latest bestseller or a financial report, text and images are amazingly sharp on the 9.7" screen. Auto-Rotating Screen By simply turning the device, you can immediately see full-width landscape views of maps, graphs, tables and Web pages. Built-In PDF Reader Unload the loose documents from your briefcase or backpack, and put them all on Kindle DX. From neighborhood newsletters to financial statements to case studies and product manuals--you can take them all with you on Kindle DX. Native PDF support allows you to carry and read all of your personal and professional documents on the go. With Amazon's Whispernet service, you can send your documents directly to your Kindle DX and read them anytime, anywhere. 5-Way Controller Kindle DX has an easy-to-use 5-way controller, enabling precise on-screen navigation for selecting text to highlight or looking up words. Simple to Use, No Computer Required Kindle DX is completely wireless and ready to use right out of the box--no setup, no cables, no computer required. Long Battery Life - Read for Days Without Recharging With Kindle DX's long battery life, you can read on a single charge for up to 4 days with wireless on. Turn wireless off and read for up to 2 weeks. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as shopping the Kindle Store and downloading content. In low coverage areas or in 1xRTT only coverage, wireless usage will consume battery power more quickly.

Technical Details

- Slim: Just over 1/3 of an inch, as thin as most magazines
- Carry Your Library: Holds up to 3,500 books, periodicals, and documents
- Beautiful Large Display: 9.7" diagonal e-ink screen reads like real paper; boasts 16 shades of gray for clear text and sharp images
- Auto-Rotating Screen: Display auto-rotates from portrait to landscape as you turn the device so you can view full-width maps, graphs, tables, and Web pages
- Built-In PDF Reader: Native PDF support allows you to carry and read all of your personal and professional documents on the go
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Nothing but problems so far..." 2009-10-18
By W. Jones (San Leandro, CA USA)
I have had my Kindle DX for about 3 days now and have nothing but problems. It continually locks up and has to be reset. I am not doing anything unusual, just reading, when it locks up and won't respond. Holding the power button for 15 seconds is supposed to be the method to reset the DX but sometimes it doesn't do anything at all.

Customer Buzz
 "Best Birthday Present!" 2009-10-18
By Mrs. Ruthie A. Pfueller (Corsicana, Texas United States)
I've put off writing this review long enough. I've thought about it every time I picked up my Kindle DX to read but then was too busy reading. The first day I got my Kindle, I had it charging and was in the bed reading with the Kindle in vertical position. My husband (the sweet man who gave it to me for my birthday) asked how I liked it. I told him fine, but that when it needed charging the cord poked me in the belly and was uncomfortable. LOL Then I remembered I could lay it over on it's side or turn the cord end up!! BTW, the charge last for days!

One of the greatest features (and there are many) is that when I am reading and I run across a word I do not know or am not 100% sure of the meaning, I can scroll the cursor down to that word right then and there and have the definition at the bottom of the page. And if I want to explore that word further I have that option also. Many times I have been reading a novel and run across a word I intend to look up later (because am too engrossed in story to stop and look up immediately) and then later I cannot find it again.

I also have had passages in books I think I would like to share online with friends, but when I go back to find them am frustrated because I failed to highlight or mark the page. With my kindle I can easily add passages from books to "my clippings" or highlight them. This also comes in handy when reading complicated books with ever changing characters, circumstances and plots, and you want to reference back to something to get a clearer understanding.

The download whisper feature did not impress me so much when we made the decision to purchase the Kindle, but recently I've come to appreciate it when I finished the first in a series on the weekend and had all of Sunday left I could enjoy starting the next one. I bought the second book and started reading it right away!

The Kindle light, comfortable to hold, easy on the eyes (love that you can adjust font size), and very practical. I am especially looking forward to NOT carrying so many books to Germany with me this year, yet having all the books I think I will need while there. I will have more space to bring back things I buy over there and not be denied my reading pleasure! Not to mention lighter luggage at least on trip over. I will be exploring cover options though because I think when carrying the Kindle I would be less likely to drop it with a cover or case. Also the surface of the Kindle is smooth and the Kindle slides easily when placed on like surfaces, so the cover would prevent sliding as well.

I don't know what else I can say to convince one to buy this thing. If you are an avid reader, you hate to dust bookshelves, and you are not too nostalgic to let go of the printed books (and dust mites) then save some trees and move to the Kindle!

Customer Buzz
 "Perfect, per Georgia Reno, NV" 2009-10-18
By Barry Allen Rivard
It is so convenient not having to go to the book stores or carry around a 400 page book and can be enjoyed anywhere. Downloading is a piece of cake.

We would recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading.

Customer Buzz
 "Kindle DX" 2009-10-18
By Marty S.
I'm usually not one to buy into a new technology until it has been on the market for some time but the digital format of the e-reader seemed like a safe investment. After looking at the different brands avaiable I settled on the Kindle DX because of its size, available memory, and above all, the paper-like appearance of the screen. It is a pleasure to read and worth the extra cost. My only complaint (and Amazon I hope you are listening...) is there are no folders to sort my books! Now, I'm not a programmer but I fail to understand why you would make a device with over 3 gig of memory that has no folder options. What were you thinking? Do you know what it's like to sort through 1000 to 2000 books one page at a time? Is this really the result of a limitation of the technology or a bad decision by a corporate nit-wit? I know there is a work-around using the note function but this a band-aid and a cheesy solution to the problem. I would gladly sacrifice some of the memory to accommodate this option, because in all reality I don't need to carry around 2000 plus books at the same time! If you really want to remain competitive in the market place please get this folder problem fixed - I'm sure your competition is working on it. Having said all that I would like to add that I marvel at the technology everytime I turn the device on, and with the exception of the folder problem I am 100% satisfied with my purchase.


Customer Buzz
 "Hell No!" 2009-10-18
By Nicolas Leobold (New York, NY United States)
There is no way I would buy the Kindle DX or any other Kindle! Amazon has cut corners all over the place in designing these units. They've compromised the functionality of the Kindles with their DRM protections and lack of full PDF-functionality. And they're fleecing loyal Amazon customers by overcharging for digital content that doesn't cost much to deliver and should be priced lower. Add to that the fact that Amazon failed to incorporate a backlight in the new DX, it has no memory card slots, it is poorly-ergonomically designed, and there is no international-wireless version, and it is simply a non-starter. The e-book industry is just beginning to emerge. Amazon is making a disastrous mistake by trying to strong-arm us customers into having to buy and use all our content through Amazon and shutting us out from using our pre-owned pdf and other format media. Google is probably going to make an open-source e-book reader that is easy for developers to make applications for and the Amazon Kindle is going to go the way of the Sony Betamax; except in this instance, the Kindle is in fact NOT the best product--far from it. Amazon deserves to lose the e-book war because it is being greedy, stupid, and truculent. I would hate to see Google or Apple conquer yet another new technology frontier, yet it appears that is what's going to happen. I can only hope that either Microsoft, Sony, the other Japanese electronic companies or some startup comes out with the right e-book solution with all the features we want. It should be wireless, internationally-functional (with the same prices for everyone everywhere!), backlit, accept memory cards, be ergonomic and attractive, waterproof, easily cleanable, durable and fairly unbreakable, come in 8 1/2 x 11 or compact screen sizes, accept standard battery sizes so you can choose between recharegeable or disposeable batteries (let the free market decide!), it should be able to download pay content (books, papers, magazines, blogs) from different merchants (Amazon, B&N, etc., wherever,...) plus free content from anywhere, have full pdf-functionality, have all e-book format-compatibility, a comfortable keyboard, a comfortable joystick, protective covers available in leather, vinyl, and cloth, a wide range of font sizes for people who need large-format print, full text-to-speech capability, a good file system for categorizing documents/articles/titles, a good multi-feature search function, ability to share text/articles/books wirelessly between multiple units within 20 feet, ability to use it continuously while on an airplane, a built-in full-function web browser, wikipedia access, dictionary, simple email functionality to forward articles/quotes/links, permanent lifetime title data backup even if you switch reader brands, and a Sleep function that turns it off if you fall asleep reading. Of course I am also waiting for them to develop color E-Ink so we can have access to all textbooks ever published, but I realize they're still working on that. Once Google Books is greenlighted and other digital book libraries are also formed, imagine getting access to every book and every article and scholarly paper ever published in history on your e-book reader! That's the future, and it will happen. But Amazon has simply failed with the Kindle. They have succeeded in trailblazing a new industry but absolutely and horrendously failed in implementing it. I am waiting for the company with the vision to do the e-reader the right way while not gouging their customers at the same time. For now I am sticking with my $399 laptop pc that can do everything and anything I need. In fact I might always stick with a laptop and forget about e-readers. But I will probably buy an e-reader in a few years when a company comes out with a version that has additional features, however I am really waiting for the e-reader that has everything I have just described for you above. That will take about five to ten years in my estimation, when the e-book industry will begin to approach its teen age years. Right now, the e-book industry is only in its infancy, and boy does it show.

Images Product

Buy Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless, Latest Generation) Now

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